
We all have a purpose that perfectly aligns with our own core values – our authentic self.

Do you often feel that something is missing – that you have untapped potential or are settling for second best?

Do you start your week feeling inspired or enslaved?

Are you inspired or enslaved?

What if you could change the entire course of your life and courageously be who and where you are meant to be – sharing your own unique gift and authentic self with the world?

Have you found your Ikigai? – your inspired purpose? What is your WHY? Are you expressing your full potential from a place of authenticity? 

InspireWorks can help you identify and connect with your core values to ignite your inner passion and empower you to take the next step in your career path – or bring your business to the next level. 

I work alongside professionals and businesses to help them and their teams to uncover and connect with their values to get back in the game more engaged, impassioned and inspired.

I inspire to bigger and better in a qualitative and quantitive sense – bringing you on a journey of self-discovery to help you to tap into and align your life and career with your utmost strengths and values.

Which image most resonates with you?

Oftentimes, a very crucial component is overlooked in career and human resources consulting – temperament or personality type – which can have a huge impact on our communication styles, stressors, motivations, behaviours and abilities. This often ignored, and yet extremely important, part of the equation can make or break our success in a career if it is not aligned closely with our values and passions.

InspireWorks will aim to assist you to uncover, clarify and spark these inner passions, connect with your values, and validate your strengths through learning more about your temperament – all in an effort to better position you to make more informed career decisions – taking you that much closer to reaching your full potential.

It is well understood that a career that misaligns with our temperament or conflicts with our values can quickly lead to dissatisfaction.  With increasing burnout, disengagement, turnover, absenteeism, and workplace conflict come decreased productivity, performance and fulfillment.

According to Gallop’s study State of the Global Workplace conducted across 142 countries, only 1 in 8 of us are engaged and happy in our work – this affects not only our economic productivity but our very quality of life on a global scale. Are you one of those 7 out of 8 looking for something more?

Employment cannot simply be a means of sustenance and security – our career CAN & MUST be a significant source of meaning, purpose and happiness in our lives. This deserves our attention so do YOU know your temperament? Do you know what fulfills you are ignites your inner spark? This cannot be overlooked as it is key to your finding your inspired work and career satisfaction – your self fulfillment and self actualization.

Have you blossomed? If you know you have still untapped potential, start your journey with me today.